GREEN ACADEMY | Innovative projects | Cauto


Green Academy puts in place a series of professional and personal promotion interventions, through the implementation of growth and empowerment paths oriented towards training and the acquisition of technical-professional experience and knowledge in the environmental field


Lead partner institution: Cooperativa Sociale CAUTO

Duration: 36 months

Period: January 2023/December 2025

Partners: Azienda Speciale Consortile Garda Sociale, Coop. Soc. Progetto Bessimo, Coop Soc. L'Albero 

In collaboration with: Foundation of the Brescian Community

With the contribution of: Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Peppino Vismara, Fondo Beneficienza Intesa Sanpaolo

With the financing of: Garda Uno SPA 

Green Academy sets up a series of professional and personal promotion actions, through the implementation of growth and empowerment paths oriented towards training and the acquisition of technical and professional experience and knowledge in the environmental field.

The actions envisaged by the Green Academy project will involve 22 municipalities in the Brescia area of Lake Garda: an area of great beauty characterised by a labour market with a strong vocation for tourism and by significant differences in terms of the economic solidity of the resident population. Garda presents itself as a polarised territory, where situations of difficulty are not lacking and have been exacerbated by the pandemic situation, which has highlighted the fragility linked to the scarcity of structured and continuous employment paths.  The project intervenes on the non-explicit employment difficulties, characterised by unemployment or involuntary unemployment of a significant segment of the Garda population.

Through the implementation of various and synergic project actions, a territorial activation model will be created that can be replicated in the future on other professional areas and become a shared working method among the various territorial stakeholders involved.


Green Academy is aimed at specific categories of beneficiaries resident in the Garda area. The addressees of the actions are:

NEET i.e. young people under 30 who are not studying and not working;

Women with care responsibilities whose employment gap remains large;

Unemployed people over 50 outside the labour market.


The challenge of Green Academy consists in setting up a public/social/private network capable of intercepting and involving the beneficiaries in a free professional growth pathway aimed at the acquisition of skills in the environmental field, are the possibility of stable employment.

The project actions want to test an intervention model, based on broad interception criteria and on the provision of various types of interventions:

  • training interventions on professionalising themes
  • courses focusing on issues related to sustainability in its many environmental, social and economic facets;
  • capacity-building interventions for paid internships;
  • full payment of courses to obtain a B, C, CQC driving licence and possible accompaniment to the exam; 
  • projects for finding and accompanying work in the ecological-environmental field.

Through Green Accademy it will be possible to experiment a model that promotes the autonomy of people in fragile situations, avoiding the onset of a future dimension of economic and social hardship.

At the same time, the project gives rise to a synergic and lasting intervention and the establishment of a Network of subjects that will feature public services, third sector organisations, educational institutions, and for-profit enterprises.


The idea of the Green Academy project arose from the discussion between the social cooperative CAUTO, the Azienda Speciale Consortile Garda Sociale and Garda Uno, a company owned by several municipalities that offers services in the ecological-environmental area.

The project was then shared with the social cooperatives Progetto Bessimo and L'Albero, which are based and work in the Garda area where they provide environmental services.

The reflection that gave rise to Green Academy sprouted within the Work, Youth and Active Inclusion Promotion Policies Table, promoted by Garda Sociale in September 2021, with the idea of structuring integrative interventions to combat poverty alongside what is already in place in the area and to give life to an enlarged territorial network involving public and private bodies.

Green Academy is realised in collaboration with Fondazione della Comunità Bresciana.

Due to the contents and actions proposed, the project was supported within the 'Territorial Co-designing' Line of Action, promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Peppino Vismara and Fondo Beneficenza di Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaboration with the network of Community Foundations activated and supported by Fondazione Cariplo.

The 'Territorial Co-design' Line of Action was launched in 2021 to promote the emergence and strengthening of networks composed of public and private social actors and the development of shared projects to combat poverty and vulnerability.

The resources available for Territorial Co-design amount to more than EUR 10 million.

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