Circular economy with Life Med
Life MED is the European project modelling waste reduction through recovery, reconditioning and reassembly of medical equipment
PARTNERS: Medicus Mundi Attrezzature, University of Brescia Faculty of Engineering, Ateliere Fara Frontiere, Legambiente LombardiaDURATION
PERIOD : JULY 2014 – JUNE 2017
The project aims to reduce waste by recovering, reconditioning and reassembling equipment that can become fully functional again and be distributed to clinics and medical centres but also to citizens who need electro-medical aids of any kind, from aerosol nebulisers to simple health aids.
The waste reduction strategy is a great opportunity, especially for a country like ours, which is poor in raw materials and mineral resources and, at the same time, particularly vulnerable to water, air and soil pollution. And so, from an ethical imperative, waste reduction becomes a real source of materials and objects, but also of virtuous intersections between very different skills. This is what the organisations involved in the LIFE-MED project wanted to experiment with: Legambiente Lombardia, the social cooperatives CAUTO and Medicus Mundi Attrezzature of Brescia, the latter active in supplying medical equipment for international development cooperation projects. These non-profit organisations in Lombardy, together with the University of Brescia and the non-profit organisation Ateliere Fara Frontiere, have joined forces for a project, which has been admitted for Life (Environment and Climate action) funding, and which looks at a reality, that of public and private health care, with a different perspective.
Life Med Project website: